V.1 Sirch Features!

What can you do on Sirch.org or the extension with version 1?

  • Flipping Experience

    Use the right arrow key to flip through pages:

    • Instant Loading
    • Single Key Press
    • No tab mess (type G-Mail to open up any gmail tabs you have open, for example!)
    • Security - You never have to leave Sirch to get your results!
    • No browser slowdown!
  • Upvoting

    Use the up arrow key to upvote the pages you like:

    • This gives you power
    • It gives you better results
  • Tabs

    No tab mess (type G-Mail to open up any gmail tabs you have open, for example!)

    • Very organized
    • Super fast
  • Stashed Pages

    Stashed pages keep track of what you like!

    • Saves your upvotes
    • Stash any page easily, forever

  • Websites

    You're going to love this!

    • Super easy
    • Results right on the screen
    • Skip the "pile-of-links" page
  • Pages within websites

    You want to visit a certain page within "Home Depot"? Type "Home Depot" and hit the down arrow key to navigate through those pages.

    • See pages which were stashed by others
    • Search through all these pages
  • News + Content within sites

    Want to see the current headlines for the New York Times? Type NYT and watch the magic happen!

    • Quick access to current articles
  • Avatar Answer

    You just want a quick answer to a question? Ask away!

    • Get just the answer!